March 18, 2021

Celebrating Birthdays

Notes From Dad

Celebrating Birthdays

Birthdays are special days; they signify the day you came into existence. Some people may say it’s only another day, however, the day we are born we will make a difference in someone’s life, hopefully a positive one; regardless, this day needs to be celebrated. This article will suggest some fun and quirky things to do to celebrate your life being a couple.

One of the first things that come to mind is the night before the birthday. Your partner may be apprehensive on becoming a year older, so lighten the mood by cooking their favorite food, listening to gentle music, looking at photos from past years and talking about what future plans lie ahead.

The next day try to make it all about them: present them with handmade cards, sexy notes lying all over the house, and once again preparing their favorite food ( yes food is popular during a birthday ). The important point here is to make your partner feel special and important.

As the day unwinds attempt to thrill your partner with uncommon surprises such as a massage, a game of chance where your partner earns gifts ( i,e, such hugs, kisses or both ), and finally a wish bowl. In this bowl tell your partner you will be granting them 3 wishes for the coming year and, within reason, you will try to make their wish come true.

Birthdays like relationships are important, never take them for granted.

Good Luck !!