July 8, 2023
Finding Love
Notes From Dad
Finding Love
Many people ask where do I find love? Is love something I may never experience? We all have had those thoughts and for most of us finding love has happened; but there are folks who are still looking for love and need some ideas and guidance to accomplish this wonderful feeling.
Finding love may be difficult for some; there is no recipe for this, but I would like to offer some suggestions and ideas that may help.
First, are you ready to commit; many people feel they are, then all of a sudden they panic because now the independence is gone and there is now a responsibility that requires effort and compromising. Before you commit ask yourself “am I ready to share my life”, if the answer is yes then you have ready to share your life.
Second, looking into the future what do you need from a partner? What are your expectations and goals; you want to look for a partner that shares and envisions the same wants, needs and will help support your beliefs and dreams.
Third, take time to build a relationship; sometimes people tend to rush Into a relationship due to fear of never finding love; get to know your partner’s good and bad points; such as ability to laugh at themselves, their self-confidence, beliefs, attitude and family values.
Fourth, Stay true to yourself; the old cliche’ opposites attract can be mis-leading. Opposite attraction can have some advantages but often in a relationship the more you agree the less arguing and better the relationship.
Finally, be true to yourself; you deserve the best and you want to chose a person that not only will provide the love you are looking for but will solidify a strong foundation of respect stability, and companionship.
Good Luck!