August 9, 2022
Relationship Worries
Notes From Dad
There comes a time in a relationship when one partner may worry about the strength of their commitment; like running water it happens. How one deals with this concern and what steps should be taken will be discussed in this article.
In my opinion, there may be three causes why relationships fail to last; money, boredom and stress.
Money, in my opinion, is the leading cause of breakups. When a relationship begins not to much worry goes into financial worries. As the relationship develops you begin to spend more money to not only impress but also to show how much you care. However, if the relationship moves forward you will notice that you may be spending more money than you are making and that is when the real issues begin; credit card debt, bad credit and arguments due to no longer sustaining the lifestyle you once had. To alleviate this, be honest with your partner and if you use credit cards try to pay them off within 6 months. If you vision a future together then be open about your finances and together plan a budget and stick to It.
Boredom is a funny thing; what you may feel is fun and relaxing maybe boring to your partner. This feeling happens to most couples and the way to prevent it is to communicate more with your partner. Try to remember the early days in what you did and how to rekindle that excitement. Be creative; go for walks, watch a movie, participate in a hobby; the most important aspect is whatever you choose agree upon it and do together.
Stress is one of those silent sins. It”s a build of anger, frustration, tension and the previous two concerns mentioned above. Stress can lead to many problems beside a broken relationship; it can lead to health problems, self-confidence and behavior changes in either one or both parties. Stress needs to be channeled through oneself emotions. It is easy to blame one another for the stress but before that happens take a candid look at yourself and work on problems that you can change; by doing this you will relieve some of the inner turmoil in your mind and be able to deal with the stress in your relationship. Again, communication with one another will make this journey together happier and healthier.
Good Luck!!