November 14, 2022

The Secret to Happiness

Notes From Dad

The Secret to Happiness

Some people say there is no secret to happiness, that a happy relationship just happens, however, I totally disagree with that belief and in this article I will offer some suggestions to not only the secret to happiness but also to hopefully make your relationship much happier.

Happiness is defined as an emotional state of well being; in a relationship happiness is the core between two people and it takes work and passion to achieve this goal.

The first secret to happiness is to be in tune with your own feelings; in life learn to celebrate small victories and focus on the positives that relate to you.

The second secret is for you and your partner to create pleasurable memories that are meaningful and will maintain the spark. Some ideas are short romantic get-aways, walks, dinners and daily communication.

The third secret is to treat your partner the way you wish to be treated. Happiness has many layers; begin with things that make you and your partner smile and laugh, be aware of each other's needs and desires and surround your environment with high qualities of support, both emotionally and physically.

The fourth secret is a fun one; be flirty and suggestive; some couples' relationships stagnate when you or your partner no longer feel the need to be attractive. Instead, dress for your partner and vice -versa; surprise each other with suggestions that make you both look forward to being together.

Finally, accept that life will have its moments; worrying will not change an event or situation. Appreciate what you have together and accept the fact that although the grass may be greener elsewhere, the life you share together will be much better when, as two, you both enjoy the love you share.

Good Luck !!