November 17, 2022

Wedding Vows

Notes From Dad

Wedding Vows

You finally have reached that point in your relationship where marriage is going to happen. Congratulations, but now comes one of the most important part of your ceremony; your vows. Vows can be short or long, full of promise and hope and said with a loving heart. This article will touch upon the purpose, the order and the inspiration that will touch the heart of all your guests.

The purpose of wedding vows are to pledge your love and heart to your partner in front of a few or many witnesses. When pledging your love and heart you are making a commitment to one another and in most cases God. Wedding vows are not binding, however, they set the stage for a joint union of marriage.

The man usually pledges his vows first, however, it does not have to be that way. The bride could go first or both partners could say them together. Be creative and caring, remember what you say to one another is how you begin your new life.

Some people use traditional vows that are simple and quick so their guests are not bored while others prepare heart- felt verses that may tell a story of their love for one another. There is no right or wrong vow it all depends on the couple. In today’s technology advancement the ability to see examples of vows are at your fingertips. So look for examples, talk to other couples and even take the time to sit down with your priest, minister or justice of the peace and ask for guidance.

Remember, these vows are your true feelings, think about your relationship and how you feel towards one another. Look into each others eyes and don’t forget your body language says a lot.

Finally, vows are promises which should be taken very seriously, and will start your marriage on a positive and loving direction. Vows are not to be taken lightly and when things begin to become difficult repeat your vows to yourself and/or each other; you will be amazed at what can happen.

Good Luck!!