January 13, 2021

A Couple's Valentine's Celebration

Notes From Dad

A Couple’s Valentine’s Celebration

Every year couples get to enjoy one of life’s greatest celebrations, Valentine's Day; this is such a wonderful and romantic celebration because as a loving couple, you can share your love toward one another for seven straight days. Unlike other holidays and celebrations Valentine’s Day can be celebrated for seven days; this year Valentine’s Day week is February 7th-February 14th 2020. Before you start thinking how can I afford that, let's remember that love comes from your heart not your wallet. The purpose of this week is to display your love and make your special partner sense a want and desire. This article, according to the website,“ happy day Valentine’s” will focus on each day leading up to February 14th, 2020.

Beginning on February 7th, 2020, treat your lover to a bouquet of roses or a single rose; however be careful because the color of roses have different meanings; for example, a red rose symbolizes your love; a yellow rose may symbolize friendship, while a white rose represents innocence or virginity.

On February 8th, 2020, a much anticipated moment is called; Propose day. On this day you or your partner have the chance to confess your love; this is where you share your feelings and describe how incredible life would be together.

February 9th, 2020, is Chocolate Day: this is almost every one’s favorite. Chocolate day can be a simple candy bar or if you want to Impress your partner, flower him/her with a chocolate bouquet of flowers.

February 10th, 2020, is Teddy Day[ a fun and exciting day where you offer your love one a cute and cuddly teddy bear; if you want to upscale this gift, go on a date where you get to create your own bear; also Teddy Day could mean a romantic and intimate apparel to ignite your love life.

February 11th, 2020 is Promise Day; on this day each of you promise to be together and make the decision to spend each moment loving one another and making a loving commitment forever.

February 12, 2020 is Hug Day; one of my favorites. A hug can help resolve unhappiness, loneliness and anger. It makes you feel good!</