Lost Wedding Ring? 13 Things to Do Immediately

5 minute read

Lost wedding rings are no joke. You’re throwing trash into your business’s trash compactor and … whoosh … there goes your ring, hurling into the air in the back of the festering, summer garbage, ready to be crushed. You can’t just climb in and grab it, either. 

Or maybe you’ve lost weight recently. Your ring doesn’t fit quite like it once did. You left the office to get coffee, returned to your desk, and noticed something felt off. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it. And that’s just it: You couldn’t put your finger on it, because your ring had vanished, having slipped off somewhere along the way. 

But what should you do in the event that you lose your wedding ring? Your first instinct might be to run around screaming, pulling your hair out, and we get it. Not only is it money lost, but what is your spouse going to say?!

Calm down and regroup. Chances are you’re going to have a tough time finding your ring, especially if you lost it in a public place—it’s like searching for a needle in a haystack. But it’s worth retracing your steps and searching far and wide. Also, don’t be afraid to have others help you out.

Here’s what you need to do, depending on the situation, and what you should do when the time comes to tell your partner, in case you can’t find your ring. 

Lost Your Ring in Public

1 Begin by retracing your steps, as best you can. 

2 Contact local pawn shops and jewelers to keep an eye out for your ring.

3 Call the police and file a report.

4 Contact local businesses you might have entered or have been around. 

5 Contact your local newspaper to place an ad about your lost ring. 

6 Look at local Craigslist and Facebook listings to see if your ring was found and is now up for sale. 

7 Post “lost ring” flyers in the area, which feature both your phone number and a monetary reward for return. 

8 If you insured your ring, file a claim with your insurer. 

a blue ring box on a counter

If You Misplaced Your Ring at Home

9 Once again, retrace your steps from room to room, front door to outside. 

10 Dig through every room, whether it’s your office, the bathroom, or the living room.

11 Look in the couch cushions, under the stove, behind the toilet, anywhere and everywhere. 

12 Turn off the lights and scan every room with a flashlight, looking for a glimmer from your metal band or any diamonds or gemstones. 

13 Ask a neighbor or a friend for help in the search—just make sure it’s someone you trust.  

If You Can’t Find Your Ring Anywhere

Can’t find it anywhere? Look again. And again. And again.

We probably sound like a broken record, but it’s really all you can do to try to find your ring. 

How to Break the News to Your Partner

If you haven’t found your ring before you get home, you’re going to have to pump up your will to face them. Breaking the news that you lost your ring will not be easy. But it is something you’ll need to do. 

Why do you need to? The worst thing you can do in a marriage is keep a secret—even if you think it is going to protect your partner. They’re going to be hurt by the fact that you held the truth from them, as it will seem as if you think they can’t handle it. 

Instead, do all the searching you need prior to getting home. If you haven’t found the ring, it’s time to break the news. Doing this is an art in itself, as you shouldn’t just play it off as if you misplaced the TV remote. Show remorse, show you’re equally hurt by losing it, and tell them you have plans to replace it if it doesn’t return. 

More importantly, don’t rush out to get a brand new ring, either. Not only will it seem disingenuous to your partner, as it might come across as if you’re trying to act like nothing happened, but it could also leave you with a ring you don’t like. Instead, take your time and wait until you find a ring that fits your personal needs.

a man looking under a couch

Replace or Upgrade Your Wedding Band 

If you lost your wedding band, it’s time to find a replacement. Talk with your partner and let them know you’re going to find one, but consider making your decision an upgrade. Take the time to explore the classic men’s wedding bands available until you find the one that strikes you as unique, personal, and indicative of you and your partner’s relationship. This loss could very well be a blessing in disguise, providing you with a ring you love more than the original. 

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