April 21, 2022
Couples and Finances
Notes From Dad
Couples and Finances
As you begin your new life as a married couple, you probably do not even worry about this yet, however, money or lack of it, can lead to marital issues. This article will address some concerns and ways to deal with managing your money as a married couple.
One concern that comes to mind is separate bank accounts; to me this becomes a red flag- it may evoke mistrust and lead to questioning on how sincere your relationship is. Separate accounts may also imply you may be hiding something from your partner. Having separate accounts is like having separate lives in a marriage, to me it ‘s just a bad idea. When you marry, you begin a relationship as one and what you have you share as one.
Life style is another concern; when you were dating neither of you had the pressure of paying out money for each other; now as a partnership the bills maybe higher and the style of living may need to change. Neither of you may be able to afford the fancy cars or new clothes. You will probably need to look for less expensive ways of entertainment. During these times of adjusting remember the reasons you became partners; Your love for one another is not a material one. You are partners in a relationship which deals with compromise and factual expectations. Working together build a budget that you both, as one can live on and still save for the future.
My last concern is the old comparison “ I make more than you” philosophy. Life is changing; in today's world it happens that at times your partner may make more money than you. Some couples struggle with this due to jealousy, embarrassment and/or lack of self-esteem. One of you will make more money than the other and instead of having feelings of disesteem, embrace the fact that together your lives will be happier and richer in so many ways.
Always remember money can be the root of all evil; so discuss goals, trust each other and make future plans that will empower you both.
Good Luck!!