June 2, 2022
The Joys of Friendship
Notes From Dad
The Joys of Friendship
Many relationships begin as friends; maybe from early childhood, school or work. Friendships are important in all kinds of relationships but especially in dating. This is important because it begins to build a base on your interactions with one another. This article will explore several components of friendships that evolve into a couple.
The first component is the ability to understand and experience what the other person may be feeling or thinking; by doing this, you show you are respectful and care about your friendship. When given your undivided attention you allow the other person to see how supportive you are and allows them to be open and honest about their feelings.
The next component is the ability to share humor; having humor between friends may be a desirable trait. Usually a person with a sense of humor shows they feel good about themselves and are able to focus on the positive rather than the negative. Having a sense of humor is not just telling funny stories or jokes, but rather showing confidence in dealing with real life situations. A person with humor may bring to a relationship peace of mind and laughter, which is important in all relationships.
My third element would be to make them feel like they are the most special person in the world; Say meaningful things to them that makes them smile and feel good about themselves (i.e. hair looks nice, they dress nice, nice work etc.) Be thoughtful by doing little things such as cute notes, suggestive adventures and discuss how you feel about your friendship; how being together brings such happiness and excitement.
Finally, be yourself. Dating a friend may lead to numerous encounters with your past, so be honest about yourself, your goals and your desires. Be willing to trust your instinct that your friend will appreciate your choices and respect the truth.
Hopefully, some of these elements will empower you to enjoy the fruits of a friendship and lead to a more sustainable relationship.
Good Luck !!