Manly Bands | June 15, 2022

Do Men Wear Engagement Rings?

Wedding Tips

Source: Hakim Graphy/

There are a million movies out there where a girl gets her dream diamond-studded engagement ring. It’s a huge Hallmark affair, and everyone loves it. Now, if you’re a dude who likes to rock a gold band or something of the sort, you might wonder, “What’s the deal?” Don’t you get a sweet ring to show off on Instagram? Do men wear engagement rings at all? 

While it isn’t the norm, you’ll hardly be the only guy to do so if you choose to go for your own engagement ring. Ed Sheeran made headlines in the last few years for wearing an engagement ring. Several years before Mr. Sheeran, Michael Bublé did the same. 

When Michael Bublé did it a while back, there was plenty of punditry and ponderings about what this meant for gender roles in general. Were men suddenly going to start wearing engagement rings? Well, fast-forward a decade or so and you find that, while not every guy has an engagement ring, it is becoming more common. Did Michael Bublé start a revolution? Probably not, but he might’ve helped.

History and Culture

Let’s take a deep dive into the history of men and women wearing engagement rings and wedding bands. Early Egyptians believed the ring to be a symbol of eternity. How nice! After that, Ancient Rome got a hold of it. The Romans weren’t exactly as romantic. The ring was an option used in lieu of a dowry. Yes, as you might have guessed, still a symbol of ownership, though. Not so nice.

The first true engagement ring, however, is believed to have been commissioned by Archduke Maximillian of Austria for Mary of Burgundy. Mary got herself a few diamonds and an engraved “M” to go along with them. Unfortunately for Mary, she died about five years later at the age of 25. Yeah, the Middle Ages were rough. While Mary did rock a rock on her ring, the trend didn’t catch up to the U.S. market until the mid-20th century. The iconic “a diamond is forever” campaign cemented diamond engagement rings’ popularity and has clearly stuck around. 

If you’re looking at the history of all this and thinking it sounds like women’s engagement rings are the only option when it comes to engagement rings, you’d be right. While men’s wedding rings have been around for a while, men’s engagement rings are more recent (in most cultures) and are an increasing trend. There was a small push in the 1920s for men’s engagement rings, but it (clearly) never took off. Still, we’re seeing a slow change when it comes to guys wearing rings before tying the knot on wedding day.

Should You Wear an Engagement Ring?

If you want to wear a ring, wear a ring. It’s that simple. Want to hop on the men’s engagement ring trend? Cool. It’s a personal choice, and we’re happy to have you on board. If you’re curious about the main reasons guys choose an engagement ring, here are a few to try on for size. Ha. Pun intended. Seriously though, a ring sizer is always handy. Measure twice, buy once.groom holding rings

Source: Happy image/

Cultural Norms

While it’s a recent phenomenon for many men, countries like Chile and Sweden have long had a tradition of male engagement rings. If you have roots from either of those countries, an engagement ring might be a way to connect to your roots.

Show Off Commitment

Rings are now a sign of equality and unity in a relationship. Why would you not want to show off your commitment to your significant other? Plus, your fiancé might dig the idea of you screaming to the world that you’re off the market. You never have to go to some god-awful speed dating event at a singles bar again, so maybe this is your triumph, too.

It Just Looks Good

If you’re a stylish guy, maybe you just like the look of the ring. If you think it’ll go well with your finely curated outfits, by all means, get a customized ring to fit your look.

Be on a Growing Trend

Maybe you like being on-trend. Men’s engagement rings are definitely a growing trend, so hop on!

When Do You Wear an Engagement Ring?

So let’s say you’re on board with engagement rings but are unsure when to wear them. Well, really wear it whenever you want. If you’re not sold on wearing your engagement ring all the time but still want something, consider getting the two of you backup silicone rings. You can still wear a ring without worrying about damaging your bling.

For some guys, the time to wear an engagement ring is just during formal events or special occasions, which is fair. Even if you have a hardy stainless steel or tungsten engagement ring, it’s special, and you might not want to risk scratching it. 

What Hand Does an Engagement Ring Go on?

Generally, guys wear engagement rings on their right hand. You, of course, don’t have to if you don’t want to, but that’s the standard. While men and women both traditionally wear their wedding rings on their left hands, guys often wear engagement rings on their right instead.

Of course, you’ll see plenty of dudes who wear engagement rings wearing it on their left hand, so just do whatever you find more comfortable. cute couple

Source: Austin Urton/

How Do You Want to Wear It?

Well, however you want to, really. If you’re worried about what to do with it come wedding time, no sweat. Some dudes use the engagement ring for their wedding band. Some throw one on each ring finger and call it a day. I’m not suggesting you wear five rings and try to restart your high school pop-punk band (please don’t), but there’s no reason to be hesitant about a ring on each hand. It’s a look.

At the end of the day, wear your engagement ring (or don’t) in whatever manner you like. If you have a ring you love, and your partner digs it, that’s what matters most.