Christina Birdsall | October 30, 2017

Notes From Dad: Halloween and Romance

Wedding Tips

October 31st is a special day for fun and romance.  Whether you are celebrating your first Halloween together or 30th, it should be a time of fun and romance.

It starts first with going out together and picking a pumpkin. Don’t get your pumpkin at the store, either grow your own or visit a farm where the selection is plentiful. While at the farm enjoy some warm apple cider and donuts, a Halloween tradition.

Time to decorate the home. Don’t start too early, October 1st, is good. When it comes to decorating your home, whether inside or out, the scarier the better. Finding decorations does not have to be expensive.

You can find bargains at yards sales, dollars stores and family. Use your imagination and be creative. The middle of the month take in some haunting hayrides, Jack O’lantern carvings, watching a scary movie and other Halloween Happenings.  By checking the newspaper and internet you can find weekly events to choose from.

Finally, that last week leading up to Halloween, both you and your partner, choose a costume, attend a costume party and enjoy a ghoulish meal.  Sending Halloween love messages will add that special feeling and can help spark more creative tricks and/or treats rather than just candy.

Remember, the memories you make will last forever, and when you both use your imagination there is no end to your fun.