June 19, 2022
Couples and the Five Point Relationship Guide
Notes From Dad
Many couples may start out as friends, some with the hopes and dreams of forming a lasting relationship. However, many couples never advance past that first year and sadly many hearts are broken and self-confidence shattered. This article will suggest five important keys toward making your relationship your dream come true.
It is important to take the time to know your partner. It is important that you both know as much as possible with regarding each other's lives. Learn their strengths and weaknesses; learn each other’s likes and dislikes; take time to adapt to the family of one another and mostly take the time to adjust to a different style of living.
Financial Status
Unfortunately, financial burdens often will lead to separations and even divorce. Let’s face it money can be the root of all evil; you may discuss with your partner the possibility of having separate savings accounts. Having separate accounts can be beneficial to one another if the relationship begins to wither. When dealing with finances you and your partner need to establish a budget and decide together who will track the finances and who will monitor the bills. Finally, you both need to come together to decide what portion of money will be put aside for leisure time or future goals.
A relationship should be built on trust and honesty. You don’t want to be in a relationship where lies and deceitfulness is happening in your relationship, even if one of you tell little white lies, those lies will show mistrust, and eventually one of you will have an issue of never feeling comfortable when either one of you say something that's important to each other.
How you both handle emotions; how supportive you can be for one another whether in good times or bad times; this becomes a major focus on the relationship because you both will rely on each other to lessen the anxiety and count on one another to share true feelings that will bring you closer and more in love.
This is done numerous ways; verbal and physically; communication between one another is important because unhealthy communication can destroy the openness you share and violates respect for one another. When communication is done correctly, such as body language, tone and listening to your partner it's a wonderful thing; focus on the positives and try to avoid the negativity. When