March 7, 2022
Couples That Make It Work
Notes From Dad
Couples that Make it Work
Beginning a life together is exciting and scary; not only do you give up your independence, your partner and you declare you are ready and willing to face the world. So how do you make this happen? It takes a lot of hard work and commitment. This article will offer some ideas and ways to hopefully make your relationship work.
First, Financially: in life we all have needs; needs such as food, shelter and entertainment (phone , tv etc) these needs require money. Money is an important part of a relationship and does play a vital role in happiness. Couples, who enter into a relationship need to be able to contribute financially or domestically.
Second, Understanding: couples need to compromise and understand that at times things do not always go as planned; to make it work there needs to be a genuine feeling of togetherness, effort and appreciation. Couples need to empower one another and be empathetic towards one another.
Third, Social skills: both of you need to have good skills in the area of communication, problem solving and respect for each other. The more you both commit the stronger the relationship.
Finally, The Reward: couples that work together, will usually find their pot of gold. It’s a moment when all comes into place and happiness is at hand; so work together and enjoy your pot of gold!
Good Luck !!