December 18, 2021

Friends of the Opposite Sex

Notes From Dad

Most relationships sooner or later may have to deal with this uncomfortable occurrence. Whether it is at the beginning of your togetherness or years later it is important to express your concerns and what is at stake in your relationship. Many questions may arise such as how many, where do you meet these friends and will you introduce your partner to them. This article will attempt to offer some advice and answers to having such friends.

First question that people wonder is why and is it okay to have a friend of the opposite sex? The question why may be as simple as this-- friends of the opposite sex may improve one’s own self awareness and self-esteem. This question if it okay, can easily be answered by one word : “yes” as long as you are being honest with one another. The best advice I can give is to always inform your partner of this friendship; hiding this can cause mistrust and jealousy. Put yourself in your partner’s shoes; how would you feel if you were unaware of this conflict. Not saying that having a friend of the opposite sex is bad, but hiding it may cast doubts on your relationship.

Next concern would be having a conversation, earlier than later, with your partner. In this conversation, the both of you may develop some guidelines that could help avoid future quarrels. Some of these guidelines could be the following:

  • Always let your partner know where you are

  • Avoid after work social times together

  • Avoid physical affection such as hugs

  • Avoid being a shoulder to lean on

  • Always be clear about your current relationship

Those are just a few guidelines that may help to curtail an uneasy situation.

Couples should try to remember that having friends of the opposite sex does have its importance such as: Giving advice on important matters when you need another perspective; participating in similar interests and enlightening your views on topics of interests. Couples should always try to be aware of their love for one another. A strong union between a couple can alleviate the jealousy and mistrust that may occur from such friendship from the opposite sex.

In closing the key word to every relationship is communication; expressing your thoughts and feelings can always solidify love.

Good Luck!!