September 19, 2021

Physical Attraction in Your Relationship

Notes From Dad

Physical Attraction in Your Relationship

How important is physical attraction in a relationship; well in the beginning it is very important because that is what draws you to your partner. Maybe it’s the eyes, the hair, the smile, the figure or just their voice, regardless we all have been attracted to our partner in some way or another. Physical attraction usually is a need that both men and women crave and look for in a relationship.

So what happens after you and your partner get comfortable with each other; well some people decide it’s no longer necessary to keep up with appearances and begin to stop caring about how they look. No longer watching what they eat, less exercise and dressing no longer in flattering clothing. Sometimes these changes can occur because of life changes, such as career or family but more often than not it is due to the mistaken idea that they have won you over and it’s no longer necessary or important to look attractive.

This thought process, especially early in a relationship could lead to misconceptions and send wrong signals to your partner that you no longer care. Relationships take a sincere effort to work and keeping up your physical appearance should be a number one priority, especially early on in a relationship. This does not mean you can’t let your hair down at times or always have to look your best, but if you can, try to remember why your partner was attracted to you and continue to focus on what is pleasing to them.

The most important thing to remember is that physical attraction brought you together, however, in time what will happen is that other traits such as caring for you or family, will become just as important and that is when you can relax and let your hair down.