Christina Birdsall | May 6, 2018

Notes From Dad: Role of a Spouse

Wedding Tips

Roles should be shared and discussed between each other. There are really no set guidelines for roles in marriage. Most married couples develop a shared understanding of who does what in their relationship. Many beliefs are that the man is head of the household and it’s his responsibility to be the breadwinner.This idea is sort of ancient history. With our society today and the staggering  expenses we all share it is difficult to live on one person’s income. That being said, today’s society almost mandates to have two breadwinners, which makes the role of each spouse even more critical in one’s daily life.

We all have grown up being given certain roles in life, some we enjoyed others we detested. In marriage certain roles can make or break a marriage because a partner may feel they are being neglected, taken advantage of and /or after thought. Marriage is about two people that work together. Successful marriages have one common trait...respect. Respect for one another makes it easier to be a team and share each role with love and happiness. One must remember that each partner has to be committed to their role if it is to work and that roles may need to change at times. Always remember there is no 50/50 you both need to give 100%.

Finally, never forget to express appreciation for each other’s role. Marriage is an equal partnership and the more you both are able to do for your spouse the stronger the marriage.