April 21, 2023

Saving Money That First Year of Marriage.

Notes From Dad

Saving Money that First Year of Marriage

Saving money is always difficult but especially the first year. Both you and your partner want to have the best for each other and sometimes you may overspend and buy things that are not needed. Today’s article will focus on tips on saving money and help you determine what is a want and what is a need.

First, let’s look at the word want; by definition a want is a desire for something like a vacation, food/beverage and new car. A need is defined as requiring something because it is essential or very important. It’s true how that first year of marriage needs tend to become more important than wants and if you can remember to focus on that you and your partner should be able to save your first year. Remember, that money, which is now shared is very difficult and this factor is one of the leading causes of divorce.

Here are some ways of saving that first year:

  1. We all go shopping. Look for coupons, cut them out and use them. Coupons, especially food coupons, can add up to a nice yearly savings. Some people don’t take the time to do this or feel embarrassed, but by not doing this you are throwing away money.

  2. Save your change. When you have spare change both you and your partner can create a bank that visually shows how much you have saved.

  3. Have fun in a romantic way; every time you and your partner are intimate place a quarter in a bank. That first year will earn you the most because after that, sadly, the intimacy does decrease.

  4. It is not essential to buy name brands. Generic ones work just as well and you can really save some cash especially when it comes to medical needs.

  5. Finally, instead of buying gifts for one another, make a homemade gift, that will be mean more to your partner and probably last longer. Also, this pertains to cards. Cards are so expensive and no longer are they written with the love and caring they used to have. By making a homemade card you are able to put down your true feelings and all it cost was some of your time and imagination.

Remember, that first year is all about communication and sharing ideas with each other. Together, you both can begin your second year of marriage with some nice savings and begin to focus on your