July 24, 2022

The Art of Arguing Between Couples

Notes From Dad

The other day I was relaxing with my wife at a very nice isolated location when this young couple sat about 20 feet from us; to me what happened next was more disturbing than their social distancing, it was how they argued with one another. This was an embarrassing situation not only for my wife and me but I am sure for the young couple as well.

What was happening was neither one of them were giving an inch; there were loud tones of voice, rude comments and bringing up the past; in other words one of them were fighting to win and be right. I am not an expert in this area but I do know that fighting in public is one of the quickest ways to end a relationship; why, because it shows no respect or feelings of love toward one another, so let's take a look at some other options that relate to arguing.

It will happen. Someday you and your partner will have an argument and to keep it from possibly ruining your relationship, try these methods that may help.

First, try to not to let feelings be bottled up; deal with the issue when they happen; this may reduce the anxiety and anger.

Second, be clear what the argument is really about. Many times there may be a hidden agenda that prevents solving the actual problem.

Third, be honest and always respectful. Take turns listening and talking; provide and maintain eye contact at all times. Deal with the facts not with the what if’s.

Lastly, arguments between you both, may be better off in private; You don’t need an audience rooting you on so choose a neutral location and arrange quiet time that will help you both focus. An argument that happens occasionally is not a bad thing, just keep in mind that if not handled with the love and care you have for one another, then it could become your Achilles heel.

Good Luck !!