October 24, 2022

The Art of Loving

Notes From Dad

The Art of Loving

We all have been there for our first love, our first relationship and/or our first break-up. We tend to spend more time being self absorbed on the break-up rather than what we could have done to save the relationship.

Most relationships begin as friendships and later evolves into love. Sounds perfect, yet many unions fail because of not practicing the art of love. The art of love is an emotion/feeling that both women and men have the ability to possess. Many aspects are needed to practice the art of love; aspects like self-confidence, humility and patience are just a few that will attribute to a loving and lasting relationship.

The art of love does not happen all at once; like a plant it needs patience and practice. Remember not everyone is alike and hopefully during your dating process you will notice that different people react to different stimuli. Some people show love through gestures, like opening a car door, pulling out a chair, or making dinner or my favorite making breakfast. Another gesture in the art of love is the physical aspect, when your partner asked you to snuggle up on the couch and watch a romantic movie. This gesture of love is a behavior that can relax the mind, body and bring you closer emotionally to one another.

Other art forms of love are the spiritual, emotional and physical all of which two people commit to one another and forsake all others. In life always remember that love is not something taken for granted. Love is a need we all want and wish to give and must be cherished for to live without love can be a very lowly and sad life.

So today as you turn to your partner reflect the importance of feelings, your words and actions could set the tone for the rest of your life.

Good Luck !