July 6, 2022

The Holidays

Notes From Dad

The time to make holiday memories should begins in a few weeks. However, what can happen, is that relationships may take a hit due to so many external and internal factors; problems can arise between the two of you. This article will focus on several ideas that may provide happy and lasting memories without the stress.

Stress can be devastating; lets’ look at some of the triggers that causes this major issue. There are three areas that can cause stress.

First, money; how much should we spend and on whom. Second, parties, whose house to visit and what to bring; Finally, time spent together and will it be memorable.

The first issue to discuss is money. This a time when many people do not think logically and use that plastic card, only to find in a few months they have a bill and are being charges huge interest rates. My advice is to use cash whenever you can; if you do charge, try to pay it off as quickly as possible. As to whom you should spend money on and how much depends on both of you. This is where communication is so important and reflects on how the two of you can relate on monetary issues.

The second issue, is holiday parties and what to bring. This sometimes can be very stressful because of family commitments and lack of time. With regards to family, face it, someone is bound to be disappointed; maybe try to spend time with that family member before the holiday then switch it next year. As to what to bring, I just mentioned time; there never seems to be enough of it to bake or cook. If you find yourself in a situation like this it is perfectly fine to buy a bottle of cheer or store bought cookies; what counts is that you are showing gratitude for being part of this affair.

Finally, as I mentioned earlier, time is an issue, more so between each Other. The holidays are where you want to look back and appreciate moments of happiness and love. In November, take hay rides and enjoy the beautiful colors of nature; in December, perhaps a short trip up North to avoid all the madness and then to start the New Year off a quiet dinner followed by music and dancing. The key to making memories is be loving and respectful. Create a moment like no other and make your partner feel like he/she is the only one’s that matter.

Good Luck !!