June 15, 2022
What type of person are you?
Notes From Dad
Have you ever wondered what type of person you want to build a relationship with? It helps to identify first what type of person you are and then decide. A study was done a few years ago and published in “Natural Human Behavior “ that claims there are four personality types; average, reserved, role-model and self-centered.
This article will briefly look at each type and help you decide who you are and what type of partner would be best for you.
Let’s begin with the average person; the average person may surprise you. Average is just that average, there is little drive or motivation. An average person does not take a risk to improve their life, they are happy in their own little world. The good thing about being average is less stress and less expectations.
The next type is being reserved; a reserved person is very laid back and does not allow problems to bother them. They are usually quiet and gentle, they solve one problem at a time and take the time to process the situation. Reserve people can be intimidating because they show minimum emotions and they can be hard to read.
The third type is role-model; people like this are easier to get along with and are committed to making their lives and others successful. Role-models help people by setting good examples and leading them on a road of positivity.
Finally, the last type is the self-centered type; this type of person tends to do only for himself. They resist change unless it benefits them; the only praise they like to hear is when it involves them and they never ever do wrong.
So based on those four types- which are you and what type of person would make a good partner.
Good Luck !!