October 7, 2022

Happiness - Love or Money

Notes From Dad

Intriguing question yet a subject that is worth discussing. This article will look at both choices, however, the final choice is really all about happiness.

Let’s look at the advantages of choosing for money; money may bring many material objects into one’s life. It can fill the void of loneliness and sadness. Money is an object that creates a temptation of desire; it can bring pleasure and pain for the reason true love is usually absent. We all face temptations and money or lack of money is always a concern. With money three articles may happen:

  • First, money can brings you a lifestyle of privileges which can shape your persona, it allows you to create a life of contentment, never wanting.

  • Second, money can change your life; a life of struggling and hardship can be whisked away in a moment; and third choosing money helps establish a partnership which will financially take care of you for life; a life of satisfaction and less worries.

Let's look at love; although having money may be crucial to a relationship it does not mean that you will bask in the glow of happiness. With love these three articles may happen:

  • First, love is a need we all want and need; when in a relationship, love between two people fulfills the circuit of totalness. Love provides the atmosphere of happiness; it cements a connection between the two of you.

  • Second, love is a declaration of commitment and happiness; it can be a spark that ignites passion and understanding in a relationship. Love empowers each of us to acknowledge each other’s empathy.

  • Thirdly, love is a wide range of emotions that fulfill your inner needs; it brings a romance into your life that leaves a desire to relive it each day.

So, as you can see when deciding between love and money, it can be a difficult decision. I will leave you with this one thought- “Money may not last forever but true love may last a lifetime”.

Good Luck!!