Couples and Holidays Magic

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Couples and Holidays Magic

It’s that time of year when as a couple, whether it's your first year or 30th, that the holidays have arrived. This time of year is magical, it’s a season of lights, hope and dreams. As a couple who may be experiencing your first year together-welcome; for all others let’s explore ten wonderful traditions that, as a couple, will set the stage for making this holiday magic.

  1. The holidays can be stressful so what the first thing you may want to do is plan a strategy; devise a plan that meets both of your needs. Its important that you both are happy with the choices you make and during this stage you compromise on ideas you may each have.

  2. The day of Thanksgiving, begin to create that magical feeling, by watching holiday movies; many holiday movies set the purpose of the season by offering ways of showing our love and generosity towards one another. Movies create those internal emotions that tugs on our hearts and creates a bank of love within yourself.

  3. Together, explore sites that bring back childhood memories of those past memories; maybe visit a tree farm, a shopping mall or even a bakery that sends an aroma that will have you dizzy with visions of sugar plum fairies.

  4. Together, join a needy cause. The cause could be helping the less fortunate people by volunteering your time at food centers or hospitals. Also don’t forget to help pets; animals, like people, get hungry, and need shelter and love.

  5. Sing- we all do it and we all feel we sing well. Together have fun by joining a choir and perhaps a caroling group. Use the brilliance of technology by making a video together, and sharing it with your family and friends.

  6. For those of you that experience that snowy weather, take walks together and try to catch that snowflake on your tongue; finish your walk with a hot rich cup of hot chocolate and a warm sugary butter cookie. Perhaps go ice skating, sledding, or a sleigh ride, the main thing is to take advantage of mother nature.</

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