7 Spring Wedding Colors to Consider

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Source: HTeam/shutterstock.com

Some dudes are just inherently fashionable. George Clooney, David Beckham, Idris Elba. Some guys put all their attribute points into style and charisma and execute outfits flawlessly. Then there’s you. Kidding! Unless some tough love is in order. You be the judge. While this deals mainly with your fashion choices, all the color schemes will transition nicely to overall wedding themes if that’s where you need inspiration.

Look, there’s no shame in having some style struggles. If walking into a clothing store is as confusing as traveling to a country where you don’t speak the language, weddings only dial that up to an 11.  You’ve been scouring the internet for men’s wedding bands for so long that you forgot you have to worry about other things as well. That’s what we’re here for.

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Whatever you do, before you get too deep into the color wheel, make sure you know how your clothes should fit. While a well-fitted suit is crucial, a lot of dudes are out here emulating the 2002 NBA draft. If LeBron James can only sort of (at best) pull off a baggy suit, you absolutely cannot. Tailor all your dress clothes.

If you feel hopeless, start with the basics. Once you have a good baseline for style and what you like, this all won’t be so scary. Let’s assume you know a thing or two and skip ahead to color palettes. If you’re looking for inspiration for an upcoming spring wedding, the doctor is in. That’ll be five cents.

Color Choices

Now to the good stuff. If you’ve done your style homework up to this point, you’re ready to try these color palettes on for size (pun intended).

Pastels and Dark Accents

Everyone thinks of pastel colors with spring. Your first instinct may be to dress up like your favorite Easter egg, and you could have some decent success with it. However, if you want to up your style game, add in a couple of dark accents. Maybe a darker tie or some Oxblood brogues. A little goes a long way with the dark accents, so go easy and you’ll look great.

Grey and Pink

This is a classic combination for gentlemen looking to give the style boundaries a little nudge without sacrificing a classic look. It’s hard to beat a light grey suit with pink accents. If you want to go traditional, go with a classic light grey suit, white shirt and pink tie. Bonus points if you get a pocket square in the same family of colors as your tie. Never match your pocket square to your tie.

 just married couple in matching lilac

Source: Batkova Elena/shutterstock.com

Copper and Crème

Plebeians would say, “but it’s just brown and white.” No, it’s not, and you’re a bad person for saying that. Kidding. Sort of. Crème and copper are a great choice if you love simple, clean aesthetics and classic influences. 

Khaki and Friends

Remember when Obama wore that tan suit and people lost their minds? We remember. To tell you the truth, it really wasn’t a bad look. 

If you want to go the khaki suit route, it’s a great look for spring (no matter what pundits say). You have a few options for complementary colors, like blue, pink and white for shirts and light blue, orange or soft reds and pinks. You want to go with brown shoes and a belt, though. Black won’t match well. Gold accents will also make you look dynamite. Don’t get the suit in linen, though, unless you want to look like a human cigar ad. 

Light Blue

Light blue with white or light grey is perfectly at home in spring. The best part is you can get away with linen or other fabrics with some character in the warmer months but not the colder ones. The sky’s the limit for shoes here but err on the side of lighter colors as well. 

 bride holding colorful bouquet

Source: Natalia Kabliuk/shutterstock.com

Light Burgundy

You might be seeing a trend here. While a dark blue or deep burgundy is great in the fall, their lighter counterparts are on display in the summer months. White accents, especially in a small checkered pattern, will elevate your look nicely.

Deep Olive

A dark olive suit is a life hack because it works year-round. It looks as good in the colder months as it does in summer. Go with a lighter shirt and accessories to avoid too dark of a look, though. 

Whatever base you choose, good accessories can elevate it to new heights. A good watch or bracelet and a simple tie bar will take any good outfit and make it – and subsequently you – unforgettable.

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