January 14, 2022
Are Pet Names to Your Partner a Good Thing?
Notes From Dad
When I was recently at a holiday party, I was intrigued by the pet names that were used by different couples, to the point I researched how common it was to do so. Actually, research has shown that more than 80% of couples have a pet name for one another.
The research also states that most couples who use pet names for one another enjoy a better relationship than those who do not call each other by a pet name. So what are some of the cute names and what is the meaning of such names?
First, one of the most common names is “babe”; the terminology, babe, is widely used and can suggest many different meanings; some use it to flirt, while others use it to express their feelings. The word “babe” symbolizes a romantic relationship and communicates a form of love.
Another cute pet name is “honey,” honey, like “babe”is a pet name; honey denotes deep affection and possible love to unmarried couples and love to married couples.
Other pet names that couples may say are: gorgeous, beautiful, angel, lover, dear and lover.
So the question is, are pet names good for couples and the answer is yes! Couples that feel comfortable calling their partner a pet name are actually showing how secure they feel in their relationship. However, always check with your partner to make sure they are comfortable with the pet name.
Finally, pet names are like nicknames, they have a certain meaning between the two of you and are a very important sign in your relationship. A pet name plays an important emotional factor between the two of you, in that it makes you feel special and unique. One important message I will leave you with is that whatever pet name you choose, make sure it does not show disrespect towards you or your partner. The choice you both make needs to identify your feelings and love for one another.
Good Luck !!