March 28, 2022

Couples and the Importance of Having Each Other's Back

Notes From Dad

Couples and the Importance of Having Each Other’s Back

Recently, I was talking to a friend and he said “I have something I would like to share with you a moment that happened 60 years ago”, I was perplexed but I said go on,

“ He said back in 1960, my dad passed away suddenly and all I did was cry, while at schools some kids, bullies as we know today, were picking on me and you stood up to them and chased them away, if it had not been for you they would hurt me bad, so I just wanted to say thank you”

Wow, something I did 60 years ago, still meant something to him and his family. In today’s society, I think we all need to cover each other’s back, especially in a relationship. Couples sometimes forget this or disregard the moment;

In building your relationship there a few traits to look for;

First, having your partner’s back, means being understanding and truthful; when your partner has your back they care and love you enough to be honest with you, even if you don’t want to hear it. You both have opinions and need to respect each other.

Second, you and your partner want to safeguard each other from harm or disrespect from others; your mate will offer assistance and have your back, even if they may disagree, with you, defending your partner means that no matter what, you are there for them and this constructs a solidarity between each other and makes your love feel secure and meaningful.

Finally, use the word LUST, which could stand for Love, Understanding, Security and Trust.

Good Luck !!